We all know reaching prospective students requires a personal touch. You’ve got to speak to each individual’s unique interests, answer their unasked questions, and anticipate their concerns. There’s a subtle balance of confidence, compassion, and professionalism required. So why in the world would you use AI?

We all know reaching prospective students requires a personal touch. … So why in the world would you use AI?

Because, of course, you don’t just need to do this for one student. You’ve got to do it for hundreds, or even thousands. Meaning you’re often forced to choose between falling behind, burning out, or turning to templates that sound stilted and uninspired.

Enter generative AI tools like ChatGPT. Recently, we shared a few tips for using AI to generate marketing content. Why not let it draft your recruiting emails as well? We’ve started helping our higher ed clients incorporate ChatGPT into their communications, and they’re finding it’s a great way to overcome writer’s block. Chances are your CRM may even directly integrate with a generative AI tool.

Won’t my emails sound robotic if I use a robot to write them?

They very well could. But as we mentioned in our last post, tools like ChatGPT are only as good as the prompt you give them.  Generative AI is not a replacement for the human writer but rather a tool for the human writer. And while it doesn’t know your prospective students, you do. Therefore, include details in your prompt about your student’s program of interest as well as specific selling points that may appeal to them, such as your school’s affordability and online format. Try using a prompt like this one:

“You are an admissions counselor who is writing to a prospective student about <UNIVERSITY>. The student wants to major in <FIELD OF STUDY> and is concerned about <AFFORDABILITY, ETC.>. Generate an email of 200 words or less that shows how your university will meet their needs.”

screenshot of ChatGPT prompt


What if AI misrepresents our university?

In the same way that ChatGPT is not a replacement for a human writer, it’s not a substitute for your marketing communications plan either.

In the same way that ChatGPT is not a replacement for a human writer, it’s not a substitute for your marketing communications plan either.

Paste a description of your brand voice into the prompt as well as a list of your unique differentiators so that ChatGPT can talk about your university accurately and effectively.

screenshot of ChatGPT response

While AI is powerful, human oversight is essential for ensuring content aligns with your university’s values and voice. Consider ChatGPT the first draft. Always review its output and make any necessary adjustments.

graphic with the words prompt, brand voice, assess, and revise

I’m still not convinced. 

If you prefer to keep writing your emails the old-fashioned way, that’s really okay! We simply recognize how much work the modern recruiter has on their plate, and how AI can help—if you want it to.

Humans are better at many things, but machines can research and gather information much faster. We believe that by combining the efficiency of automation with the genuine connection that personalized content provides, institutions can ultimately make outreach a more engaging experience.

Whatever route you take, remember to test your emails—both analog and AI-generated—to see how recipients respond. Analyze open rates, click-through rates, and direct responses to determine what’s working and what isn’t. Then, refine your approach.

Reach out if you see ways we can be of help. And stay tuned for more posts to come about how higher ed marketing professionals can level-up with AI.