We’ve already discussed how natural language models are only as good as the prompts you give them. One way to level-up your prompts is to include a description of your or your university If you don’t already have one on hand, you can ask ChatGPT to create one for you.
First, generate a description of your writing style.
For a description of your writing style, feed ChatGPT the following prompt: “Using the content below, describe the author’s writing style.” Then paste a writing sample—or a few writing samples—into the prompt. (Typically, ChatGPT will not access a link, so copy/pasting works best here.)
The closer your example content is to what you are trying to create, the more relevant this style description will be. If you’re looking to create a communication that is coming from your university, paste other university marketing materials into the prompt. If you are looking to create content in your personal writing style, give the chatbot emails or blog posts you’ve written in the past.
The AI will then generate a description of your style that looks something like this:
Pretty wordy, but that’s okay—no one’s going to read it except you and ChatGPT.
Next, add this description of your writing style to your prompt.
Now, you’re going to use the description ChatGPT provided to prompt it to write something new in your style. For example:
“Using the writing style below, write a 500-word article about <TOPIC> that discusses <ANY SPECIFIC POINTS YOU WISH TO INCLUDE>.”
Of course, you’ll always need to closely review any content ChatGPT creates. Keep in mind AI’s tendency to “hallucinate,” and fact-check claims. Natural language models are powerful, but they have their limitations, lacking the creativity and storytelling abilities of a human. And while ChatGPT can mimic your voice, it can’t tell you what kind of style you should write in.
Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to experiment with ChatGPT. And reach out for help getting started on your own AI journey.